Welcome to the life of Eleanor Guilford! She is a sassy, cute three year old who loves to run, read, and ramble on about anything...did we mention she just happens to have CF? Follow our struggles, triumphs and everyday lulls...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

CF Doctor's Visit

We went to Pensacola on Thursday for our quarterly appointment to see Dr. Van Hook.  It was the regular stuff.  However; she only cried when they took her sputnum culture.  We were all so very proud.  She actually let the doctor listen to her chest and back without crying and told the doctor, "Listening to my chest!"  The doctor was very proud of her and told her that she sounded great.  This is always good news.  She weighs 27.5 pounds and is 33.5 inches tall.  They were very excited that she is continuing to grow.  When they compared her weight to her height she is in the 75% range which is awesome for a CF kid.  They like them to be 50% or above.  Now we just have to wait to see if she grows anything. 

We are trying a new enzyme called Zenpep to see if she reacts better to it.  She does okay on the creon but her stools get greasy toward the end of the bottle and we get frustrated knowing she is not absorbing the food like she should be.  So far I am not impressed...will give it a few more days.

Funny story...
She was eating dip one day last week and I left the table to get a napkin for a minute and when I came back she was sticking her fingers in the cream cheese dip, that is supposed to be for her chips, and licking the dip off of her fingers.  It was quite hilarous.

Today we had strawberries and cool whip.  She was not sure at first but then decided it was good.  So now our fruit has dip too!

Our prayer request this time is that the culture comes back free of any abnormal growths and we have kicked the P.A.  We also will be going back on the TOBI and Albuterol on April 6th...how times flies.  Pray for our routine to go smoothly when it starts back.


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